Google PageSpeed Insights is a powerful tool to test the speed and Core Web Vitals of your site. After May 2021, the mobile score and user experience metrics play a major role in the site search engine rankings. 

The speed score of Mobile and Desktop are based on the Lab report of Lighthouse tool.

Be Cautious!

If you lose the SERP positions, you will also lose your revenue.

Optimization score is how well your site performs with respect to other sites. 

Easily increase your PageSpeed score when you rectify the errors in various categories. Most important thing is not to believe these speed metrics blindly. To optimize Google Adsense ad network is not possible.

Sometimes, the field data not displayed by the Chrome User Experience chart. Time to Interactive also plays an important role in knowing the load speed. WordPress and HTTPS sites are the norm in 2020, for a quick load time.

If you have too many ad networks consisting of images and videos, you will never reach the 100 rating score. First of all you have to identify the errors in the PageSpeed Insights tool. Then take a balanced approach to change the code or do optimization using plugins.

Caching is one of the good techniques. Website developers use it. This is easy to get 100 score without using too many plugins and third-party external scripts. Real world data is for some pages and sites.

Core Web Vitals

core web vitals search console
Image Credit: Google . This shows the poor urls of Core Web Vitals in Mobile and Desktop in Google Search Console


If you check your google search console, then you can see this under Enhancements. This will clearly indicate whether LCP and CLS issues exist on your site. This should be of more concern.


To resolve page speed errors on your site, you also have to make sure of revenue and user visibility. Too many scripts can spoil the page loading speed. W3 Total Cache  and Super Cache are some good WordPress plugins to improve your scores related to CSS, HTML and JS minification.

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PageSpeed API to test various pages at the same time. A perfect score is only possible without ads and external scripts. Speed Issue is an hinderance in the performance of your page. User Experience report is more of an indication of how well your page is doing in search results.

PageSpeed Insights – Metrics

The following is the visual data. 

  1. First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  2. First Input Delay (FID)
  3. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  4. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Over the previous 28-day collection period, the aggregate experience of all pages served from this origin does not pass the Core Web Vitals assessment. To view suggestions tailored to each page, analyze individual page URLs.


So your PageSpeed score will suffer.

Also Read – PageSpeed Ninja vs SG Optimizer – Which is the Best WordPress Cache Plugin

There are three colors to indicate each metric – green, orange, red.

Image Optimization is a real indicator of how well you have optimized your site for Google PageSpeed Insights. 100 score does not indicate the highest ranking for your parent keyword. It is one of other speed tool metrics that have to be optimized. Comments are good for user experience.

90% of loads for this page have a good (< 100 ms) First Input Delay (FID). 64% of loads for this page have a poor (> 0.25) Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

Developer Tools give a clear indication and information on how to correct these errors. Performance score should not be as a main concern. Poor Hosting can be another problem for Internet users and Mobile visitors.

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These Performance metrics are dependent on geo location, browser support, devices, compatibility, technology and many other factors. The ribbon icons indicate that they are core web vitals.

To get the indicators in green, see our optimization techniques that we try to implement

Mobile – Errors

I got mobile score of 35 for one of the urls. This was after I removed the push notification plugin and its JS file. I also disabled the video ad network on mobile pages. This has given me the above score. 

pagespeed insights mobile

S.NoOriginal Size (KB)Normal(KB)Saving (%)

Image Size and File Size are too prominent items that play a major role in average page load. Speed Analysis by tools like GTMetrix. Slow site speeds will lower the ranking and conversely the revenue also.

mobile opportunities pagespeed insights


  • Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
  • Reduce the impact of third-party code Third-party code blocked the main thread for 2,050 ms
  • Minimize main-thread work 8.6 s
  • Reduce JavaScript execution time 5.9 s
  • Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy 24 resources found
  • Avoid an excessive DOM size 853 elements

mobile diagnostics pagespeed insights

We can easily reduce the above response times to below the optimal level using the recommended suggestions of Google. Using the right plugin makes it easy to reach our goal. In our next tutorial we shall see how to minimize and reduce JS time. This ensures that we reach our ranking and revenue goals. 

Desktop – Errors

The desktop score was 82. It was good compared to mobile. But the tool suggested different tips to still reduce the amount of resources and time. We can see that the network payload was huge which is another cause of error. 

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pagespeed insights desktop score

S.NoLocationTTFB (ms)
1Virginia, US340
2Sao Paulo, Brazil545
3London, UK353
4Cape Town, South Africa1352
5Dubai, UAE756
6Mumbai, India785
8Tokyo, Japan311
9Sydney, Australia692


  • Ensure text remains visible during webfont load
  • Does not use passive listeners to improve scrolling performance
  • Avoid document.write()
  • Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy 40 resources found
  • Avoid enormous network payloads Total size was 6,298 KiB
  • Avoid an excessive DOM size 1,086 elements
  • Minimize main-…. work 2.4 s
  • Reduce JavaScript execution time 1.3 s
  • Avoid chaining critical requests 6 chains found
  • Keep request counts low and transfer sizes small 174 requests • 6,299 KiB
  • Largest Contentful Paint element 1 element found
  • Avoid large layout shifts 5 elements found
  • Avoid long main-….. tasks 6 long tasks found

opportunity diagnostics desktop google pagespeed insights

As we have seen here, the number of resources are too large. You can easily reduce them with the right optimization and cache plugin. I am already using Cloudflare, but the problems still exist. You need to do page by page optimization to get to the desired level. In our next tutorial, we shall see how to improve our desktop score.


Since mobile-first-indexing is the priority for all large sites, you have to make sure good Core Web Vitals exist for all the pages of your site. As you have seen, desktop scores are good for this page. But the mobile score is not that great. 

In this regard, we shall try to rectify these problems in our upcoming page optimization tutorials. The more we improve our page core web vitals, site authority also increases in the eyes of Google. Then you can concentrate on content strategy for better SERP positions. 

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