To improve performance of WordPress site speed you need a cache plugin. LiteSpeed Cache plugin with 2+ million installations and  1800+ 5 star ratings is one among the best. To know the truth we tested a site with no ads. This will give a better understanding of LSC and can improve the site UX metrics and speed.

litespeed cache plugin review
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Website and Test Page

  1. The site has 14 active plugins.
  2. The test page had 10 images.
  3. AMP plugin installed.
  4. RankMath Pro and kk Star Ratings installed.
  5. DreamHost Shared Hosting plan used.

Without LiteSpeed Cache and – Speed and Core Web Vitals

Initially we tested the bare site. You can see the Microsoft Edge results of no cache HIT. Microsoft Edge was used to test whether LiteSpeed and were enabled?

browser results without litespeed cache and quic cloud
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Browser Page Results with AMP

  1. 33 requests
  2. 25.0 kB transferred
  3. 999 KB resources
  4. Finish: 5.33s
  5. DOMContentLoaded: 3.42s
  6. load time: 4.31s

For some reason, AMP pages were slow instead of being quick on the performance test. It could be due to the AMP resources being loaded from Google’s CDN. A mobile responsive site may have fast and better results. Though some plugins were suppressed, it could be due to other resource intensive plugins.

JavaScript Details

  • 6 / 33 requests
  • transferred:  0 kB / 25.0 kB
  • 429 kB / 999 kB resources
  • DOMContentLoaded: 3.42 s
  • Load: 4.31 s

CSS Details

  • requests 1/33
  • transferred 0/25 kB
  • resources: 31.0 kB/999 kB


  • 15/33 requests
  • 127 B/25.0 kB transferred
  • 6.1 kB/ 999 kB resources

Developer Tools Results with Desktop Version

We tested the non-AMP without LSC plugin and using the Chrome browser developer tools. These were the results of the resources loaded.

  1. 35 requests
  2. 57.8 kB transferred
  3. 652 kB resources
  4. Finish: 5.14 s
  5. DOMContentLoaded: 3.42 s
  6. Load: 5.04 s
Related Post :   Railgun and Auto-Minify in Cloudflare – Their Role in Web Page Load Speed (Case-Study)

JavaScript Details

  • 14 / 35 requests
  • 37.5 kB / 57.8 kB transferred
  • 383 kB / 652 kB resources

CSS Details

  • 12 / 35 requests
  • 0 B / 57.8 kB transferred
  • 0 B / 57.8 kB transferred


  • 4 / 35 requests
  • 55 B / 57.8 kB transferred
  • 5.4 kB / 652 kB resources

Without LiteSpeed Cache and – Core Web Vitals and Speed using GTMetrix Test

Desktop Pages

  1. TTFB – 1.4s
  2. FCP – 1.9s
  3. LCP – 1.9s
  4. TBT – 0ms
  5. CLS – 0
  6. Fully Loaded Time – 2.8s
  7. GTMetrix Grade – B
gtmetrix results without litespeed cache desktop
LiteSpeed Cache + - Speed Up WordPress Site Performance 14

AMP Pages

  1. TTFB – 2.4s
  2. FCP – 2.7s
  3. LCP – 2.7s
  4. TBT – 14ms
  5. CLS – 0
  6. Fully Loaded Time – 3.1s
  7. GTMetrix Grade – C
gtmetrix test without litespeed cache amp
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Without LiteSpeed Cache and – PageSpeed Insights Test


without litespeed cache performance desktop pagespeed insights
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without lscache mobile
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Page Performance With LiteSpeed Cache +

The ideal LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings and settings were used. You can read about those in the above articles.

litespeed cache quic cloud hit
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  1. 28 requests
  2. 57.1 kB transferred
  3. 817 kB resources
  4. Finish: 1.46 s
  5. DOMContentLoaded: 749 ms
  6. Load: 1.40 s


  1. 58 requests
  2. 62.0 kB transferred
  3. 1.5 MB resources
  4. Finish: 1.98 s
  5. DOMContentLoaded: 639 ms
  6. Load: 1.38 s

Page Performance with LiteSpeed Cache and – UX and Speed


  1. TTFB – 92ms
  2. FCP – 283ms
  3. LCP – 282ms
  4. TBT – 0ms
  5. CLS – 0
  6. Fully Loaded Time – 362ms
  7. GTMetrix Grade – A
litespeed cache speed gtmetrix desktop
LiteSpeed Cache + - Speed Up WordPress Site Performance 19


  1. TTFB – 98ms
  2. FCP – 532ms
  3. LCP – 532ms
  4. TBT – 3ms
  5. CLS – 0
  6. Fully Loaded Time – 973ms
  7. GTMetrix Grade – A
gtmetrix result with litespeed cache and quic cloud speed performance on amp
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Speed and Core Web Vitals Performance with LightSpeed Cache and


100 score on pagespeed insights with litespeed cache and quic cloud on desktop
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100 score on amp page with litespeed cache and
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See best performance results with LiteSpeed Cache plugin and

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