If you’re looking for a fastest wordpress hosting, you’ve probably heard of rocket.net. But what’s the verdict? Is it worth the switch?

Our tech writers have put together a comprehensive rocketnet review, covering everything from speed and reliability to customer service. So if you’re thinking about making the switch, be sure to check out our review first!

WordPress Hosting Rocket.net

Rocket.net is the new hosting provider in town, that is little expensive and for the pros.

If your traffic is <10,000 pageviews/month, then this review is not for you.

But, if your site is rocking and spiking for the past few months, you have a reason to change to this managed wordpress hosting.

rocket.net review
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 20

Compared to Kinsta and SiteGround, it has fastest TTFB times, not found anywhere else.

Even if you install 50 plugins, the speed loading time of the page is still optimized. It is because of the Cloudflare Enterprise CDN.

Some of the great features of Rocket.net hosting are simple control panel, experienced support, free migrations, fast network, 20+ data centers, web application firewall, security updates, malware protection, wordpress activity logging and many others.

For $30/month, you can easily maintain 1 site that has traffic of 250k pageviews/month. It means that if you have traffic of 10k pageviews/daily, your site is still going to rock.

Rocket.net Review 2022

Get unlimited inodes, 32 CPU Core power, 128 GB RAM, NVMe SSD storage, <50ms TTFB , < 2s loading time with simple wordpress hosting plans.

– Palla Sridhar

rocket net server response time
Ease of Use
Speed and Performance
US and Worldwide Server locations
Enterprise CDN
Pricing & Support


Ben Gabler, the CEO of OnRocket has spent over 18 years in the hosting industry. He is well versed with the problems of web masters and hosting spenders. Lack of proper support, hosting configuration being too technical for starters had made him built a system useful and flexible.


Rocket.net Server Locations

Rocket.net is based on cloud hosting and zero configuration.

That is not all, unlimited inodes reduces your hosting cost.

rocket net data centers
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 21

Enterprise CDN is included from Cloudflare which takes care of 250+ server locations throughout the world.

Rocket.net was only born in 2020, but it beats big companies because of its speed, TTFB and core web vitals.

You can install any theme and it is supported by most ad networks. Though each sub domain is considered as a separate domain, which is one of the costly features.

Rocket.net Pricing

Currently the LAUNCH offer gives you a way to test the different plans for $1 for the 1st month. There are 4 different plans.

  1. Starter
  2. Pro
  3. Business
  4. Enterprise

There are both monthly and yearly rocket.net pricing. If you want to go for a monthly starter plan, it costs you $30/month and for yearly billing the price is $25/month after the 1st month. You get 2 months free with yearly subscription.

rocket.net pricing plans
Source: OnRocket.com

Rocket.net Comparison

Rocket.net vs Cloudways

Both are a type of cloud hosting that are powerful in speed and performance.

For complete details of rocket.net pricing and plans, look at this chart.

Rocket.net is a private cloud environment with standard plans.

You can easily understand their structure, if you have used wordpress managed hosting or shared plans before.

rocket net backups
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 22

Cloudways on the other site is a more complete cloud hosting and relies on other hosting services.

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It has digital ocean, vultr, linode, aws and google cloud as its front end. The plans are based on free object cache pro and relevant specs.

Rocket.net provides agency hosting, enterprise wordpress hosting, reseller and wordpress hosting.

The pricing is based on the individual plans. The PHP processing is done by LiteSpeed technologies, which is quick.

For a better comparison, you can look at the chart below for rocket.net vs cloudways comparison.

rocket net vs cloudways 1
Source: https://www.onlinemediamasters.com/

Rocket.net vs SiteGround

Rocket.net and Siteground are two of the most popular web hosting providers. They both offer a variety of features, but which one is the best for your needs?

Both rocket.net and siteground offer a wide range of features, but there are some key differences to consider when choosing a provider. Rocket.net offers more speed and servers than siteground, as well as large RAM and NVme SSD disks. However, siteground’s prices are more competitive, and they offer a money-back guarantee.

When it comes to customer support, both providers offer 24/7 live chat and phone support, as well as email support. However, only siteground is recommended by wordpress.org community, which may be helpful if you have a complex issue that needs to be addressed by customer service.

Ultimately, the decision of which provider to choose comes down to your specific needs. If you need best user experience and performance, then rocket.net may be the better option for you. However, if you’re looking for the most affordable pricing with comprehensive customer support, then siteground may be the better choice.

rocket net vs siteground
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 23

Rocket net Cloudflare

Rocket.net wordpress hosting supports different features of Cloudflare CDN. You don’t need to pay anything extra for its enterprise features. You get the same in $25/month or higher plans.

The cloudflare provided by Rocket.net hosting are well explained in their tutorials. The Enterprise cloud network is worth the value of $6000 and is for free with Rocket.net. No manual configuration is required. Everything is set up when you point your nameservers to Rocket.net hosting.

Instant speed optimization through Brotli compression. Argo smart routing and tiered caching are available with rocket net cloudflare plans.

Cloudflare Enterprise CDN

Cloudflare’s free version gives security and some caching options. But the number of CDN locations is limited. Content delivery network (CDN) is another term for different places around the world where your site is cached.

In that way, your page will be rendered to the visitor quickly. You will not update your pages every now and then. Even if done that way, you can reduce the time to refresh. That way, all updated content will be loaded to the enterprise CDN.

Edge solutions are not new. But Cloudflare provides it at a price. That is included as part of Rocket.net hosting. What is Edge?

rocket net cloudflare enterprise cdn
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 24

Let’s take an example of Amazon Prime Video. If the server is located in New York and the user from Alaska wants to visit the video on the site. It has to hop onto different servers. What if there is a sudden traffic spike for “Snow Cold” movies and a rise in tourism.

The bandwidth will be clogged due to streaming and Amazon has to send little offline boxes to that place to stream internally. It is a bad idea. In the other case, you have a server located in Dallas or California where all the video content is cached.

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In that way users near to that location will be able to view the videos with less bandwidth clogging throughout the US.

Rocket.net Strengths

Affiliate Program

You can earn $150 for each sale with the rocket.net affiliate program. They are a 17 year old company and you need not worry that your payment will be blocked.

One of the best features of the OnRocket affiliate program is no minimum balance is required. Also, you are free to join and a 60 day cookie lifetime is available.

You can speak to their CEO for any additional questions about commission structure and sales. The best part is that you can improve your conversion rate by providing custom coupons.

rocket net affiliate program review
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 25

If you have tried rocket.net hosting, then you can easily understand its features. You can mention its speed characteristics as a case-study. That will help the users understand that rocket.net hosting review is honest and willing to pay for it.

Many of the wordpress users are still confined to GoDaddy, HostGator, SiteGround kind of old shared hosting plans. They lack proper technical support and infrastructure. Also, many people are making affiliate sales on the same product.

Rocket.net affiliate program is new and will help you gather sales.

Server Response Time

When a user requests a page or clicks a link on Google, he is sent to the site server. The necessary time taken to render the HTML from the server to the visitor minus the network latency is server response time.

It is one of the ranking signals by search engines. Visitors will not wait for too long for the page to load. If it fails to render within a few ms, the user will go to the next site or app.

In this rocketnet hosting review you can see all the images related to speed benchmarks.

website speed rocket net us
Source: https://www.kripeshadwani.com/
Speed Test Bangalore rocket net india
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 26

Rocket.net has very quick response time. In most of the tests carried out by various bloggers, OnRocket has scored 100 and A grade in GTMetrix and PageSpeed Insights tests. Time to first byte (TTFB) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) are two core metrics that are dependent on the server response time.

rocket net stress test
Rocket.net stress test with 100 VU users : Source- wpbeginner.com

Speed benchmark tests also mark slow server response time as a red flag. The below screenshot will show the server response times of Rocket.net from various server locations.

rocket.net uptime and response time
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 27

Customer Support

Some support teams try to push upgrades and DIY tutorials when you contact them on phone or chat. Rocket.net customer support is more understandable to its customers and gives reasonable answers. You can even find the CEO, Ben, in the support forums.

It shows the importance of Rocket.net loyalty to its customer base and willingness to bring top-class solutions for user problems. They are improving their knowledge base and reference articles.

rocket net customer support
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 28

Their help center is divided into different categories and you can raise a support question in its forum. In other cases, you can directly submit a ticket, which the rocket.net expert team will answer to the customer satisfaction, until it’s resolved.

24/7 support is available.

Rocket.net hosting speed

Rocket.net is a hosting provider that offers great speeds for your website. They have a variety of plans to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.Their customer service is excellent and they offer a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with their service.

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Many people are worried about the loading time of the page based on Google ranking signals. Are their fears really justified?

rocket net server response time
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 29

It depends.

You have a lot of offline seo signals, you could pass off with slow over-rate.

But if your site is being optimized for onsite seo, then speed is considered one of the biggest factors.

Many tools like GTMetrix, Pingdom, PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest exist to test the speed of a url or site pages. They give loading of different resources like JS, CSS, images etc. All that depends on the initial server response time.

rocket net load handling
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 30

Many metrics like TTFB, DNS, socket, waiting period, SSL handshakes are all involved.

“Time to First Byte” (TTFB or First Byte Time), is one of the first values that can be measured on the way to a fully-loaded website and represents the server response time required for the DNS, socket, and SSL negotiations (handshakes). If you’re measuring your website’s Google Core Web Vitals then TTFB is kind of a big thing.

Source: https://www.rocket.net/blog/significance-of-ttfb-the-most-important-metric-that-nobody-thinks-of-for-core-web-vitals/

FCP, TBT, LCP, TTI are some other speed and performance metrics which basically depend on the server response time. After all, the user is interested to see the first glimpse of the page within a few milliseconds. It should be <200ms as per Google standards for it to be good.

Rocket.net Reviews

When it comes to reliable, high-speed internet, Rocket.net is a name that consistently comes up.

They offer some of the quickest download and upload speeds in the business, along with a variety of pricing options that make them affordable for a wide range of budgets. But what do customers think?

The vast majority of reviewers say that they’re happy with Rocket.net’s service. People appreciate the high speeds and reasonable prices, and many say that the company is always quick to resolve any issues that come up.

rocket net site staging
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 31

There are a few complaints about billing and customer service, but these seem to be in the minority. Overall, it seems that Rocket.net is a good choice for those looking for a fast, reliable internet connection.

Rocket.net provides excellent hosting services with great customer support. Their servers are always up and running, and their prices are very reasonable. I would definitely recommend their services to anyone looking for a reliable hosting provider.

Trustpilot Review

Rocket.net has 90 5 star ratings on Trustpilot.

The recent positive review shares the insights of changing from a different host to Rocket.net.

rocket.net review
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 32

The core web vitals are good and TTFB times have improved a lot. What is there for the customer? He will be able to see the page quickly. Then rendering takes place fast with Enterprise CDN.

rocket.net review trustpilot 2022
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 33

WPBeginner Review

The team of experts at this site rate Rocket.net as one of the fastest wordpress hosting. 14 reviews can be seen with 5 star rating.

Easy staging tools and reliability is want they test and rocket.net came out good.

It gives an A+ for performance score. The avg. load time and response time are approx. 600 ms and 3 ms. It is quite quick compared to other hosts in the industry. With Kinsta you need to pay for additional add-on services. While Cloudways is difficult to configure and manage.

rocket net review wordpress
Rocket.net Review - Experience it yourself with $1 34

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